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Reality is subjective to clairvoyants

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Posted:     Post subject: Reality is subjective to clairvoyants

Sometimes its hard to tell what your mind is showing you clairvoyantly and how you perceive it or interpret it. I have gotten used to this when it is cloudly but most the time i see clear as a bell things others cannot or i see at great distance and describe things like the detailed description of the inside of peoples houses.
Just this week alone i did such readings and saw two houses describing different detailed stuff in them clairvoyantly, they ask me to to find energy sources that dont feel right to me and i describe it to them, i feel energy too, and am very sensitive to different energies in people and houses mostly.
It seems that being a clairvoyant psychic is second nature to me like the rest of my senses. I used to be an active medium that was where my clairvoyant vision was most helpful in seeing the spirit and describing that person who passed away to their living relatives as i relayed messages back and forth. Reality is subjective and no one knows that better than a clairvoyant.

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April 7, 2012
Posts: 14

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`That's awesome, as have things been getting clearer for you as of lately?? Mine hasn't been that clear I just know where there are spirits around before I hear them, at first I saw them as white mist and now sometimes I can make them out especially when I take pictures, and when I enter buildings and abandoned houses I could sense them and sense if its safe to enter or if the spirits are happy, sad, angry etc.. you could tell because of the air all around you; that the spirits give off.

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January 4, 2012
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`Post is almost a year old, but I thought I'd respond anyway. What you are describing sounds like remote viewing which from my understanding is a bit different than a standard psychic reading. I know a psychic who is not only able to remote view places in the present, but also see them and events in the past as well.

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